The Truth about Replacement Theology

By Jim Staley

Replacement theology starts on the premise that the Jews are the chosen people yet again the church or Christians are the chosen people, that entire premise may be turned on its head, hopefully you will see that through this article that Israel is 12 tribes. I like to give an analogy of a football team is that everyone is invited to be on the football team but he chose captains from the team to go out and recruit the remainder of the world.

The captains from the team, there were 12 captains from your 12 tribes of Israel so Israel called to go out to recruit the rest of the world in the future in and be a part of the covenant. So replacement theology is not to do with us replacing the Jewish people are simply the southern kingdom.

Their eyes based on Romans chapter 11, their hearts were harden and they were blinded to the gospel so as long because the rest of the Ephramites, the northern kingdom, what we call the fullness with the gentiles would come into the covenant and so as we come back to the covenant. The blindness that stumbled on Judah will be lifted and they will become jealous.

What do I do now that I k now that I am a Hebrew? So when you begin to realize why you have such a powerful surge inside your heart for Israel and the Jewish people happens because you are the northern brother, you're brothers. What do you do now that you understand that you are a Hebrew?

Well first of all the word Hebrew means, crossed over. People ask me constantly, how does this apply to my well being, what does that mean?

Well if we are Israel my buddies, then we are subject to the covenants of promise as Paul says. We're the one new man which is beginning to happen on Sabbath day which means that we have a responsibility that we know who we're. We have a mission and a calling to provide the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob wonderful our heart, soul, mind, and strength and also to do so His way.

So I would encourage each and every one individuals to begin to learn the covenant, what's this covenant that our ancient ancestors kept that's called the Torah and how does it work? Is it relevant for today? Exactly how should we as believers in Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, bring any Jewish person to jealousy what so ever every time that we are going out and breaking the Sabbath.

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