Electronic Cigarettes When No Smoking is Allowed - Can You Really "Smoke Anywhere"?

By Tariku Haque

Top electronic cigarette distributor SmokeAnywhere, along with its peers in the industry, is building a business with the pitch that these devices can be used in places off-limits to tobacco, because they are not subject to current anti-smoking regulation. Initial advertisements were highly criticized, as they stated electronic cigarettes could be used in airplanes, restaurants, stadiums, and more. However, a peek at SmokeAnywhere's updated website confirms that the company is now taking a more restrained approach. Note the addition of "acceptable" on SmokeAnywhere's classic tag line, "With our product there is no second hand smoke so you can take it and virtually SmokeAnywhere acceptable." One assumes that "acceptable" is determined through trial and error.

This site and others like it explain their claim: "Since it is non-flammable and contains no burned dried or cured plant leaves, it is not smoking and its use is not prohibited by law. Customers have used the product in restaurants, in airports, at work and in other places where traditional smoking is banned." Note the language, which does not state customers can use electronic cigarettes everywhere - only that they have.

User feedback indicates that in fact, electronic cigarettes are not welcome everywhere. Many are designed to look like tobacco cigarettes, so users find themselves getting pushback when they "light up" in non-smoking areas. This is easily remedied by the manufacturers, who are now developing models with blue and green glowing tips, so there is no mistaking the difference. Nonetheless, electronic cigarettes are not allowed on most airplanes, regardless of tip color - a big disappointment for smokers who hate to fly.

Some non-smoking locations are embracing the technology as an alternative to policing tobacco smokers. For example, the Clarendon Hotel in Phoenix, AZ, now has electronic cigarettes available for sale to guests. Owner Ben Bethel said this: "We're tired of charging guests $250 for smoking charges, tired of deep-cleaning guest rooms after they're smoked in, and tired of chasing after guests who are smoking in our pool area and rooftop bar. So, we're going to start encouraging guests to use E-Cigarettes, to the point that I'm even going to sell them at the front desk." The Clarendon Hotel may be an early adopter of what will become a popular trend - offering electronic cigarettes for sale to prevent the many non-health-related issues associated with tobacco products, for example litter.

Whether or not there is technically a ban, many who use electronic cigarettes find they cannot smoke anywhere. Part of the issue is lack of reliable scientific information about the health risks of inhaling the vapors secondhand. Those with concerns about secondhand effects are suspicious of this alternative. This, too, will change, as researchers continue to study the product. When trustworthy data shows secondhand electronic cigarette vapors have no-ill effects, users may see their indoor options expand.

In the meantime, electronic cigarette users are encouraged to do their part for the product by showing courtesy to others and using their devices responsibly.

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