A Research On The Indian Turban

By Leonor Rivera

A belle is a piece of cloth that can either be made of cotton or silk that is tied on the head and acts as a covering. It is often very light and feels very soft on the head. Although in most cases it may give a false impression of being heavy and bulky. Sometimes when wearing it a small piece of cloth can be first tied and then it can be tied above. A study on the Indian turban shows that it is commonly worn by the Sikh men.

The Sikh men commonly wear this clothing to cover their long hair that has never been cut. This hair is never cut as a way to show respect of God creations. They believe that god created the hair for a reason and it should thus never be cut. Some of the devoted Sikhs in addition do not cut the beards. They therefore need to properly maintain this hair because they believe that cleanliness is second to godliness.

Sikhs believe that they need to show respect towards their God by not cutting their hair. Most of them therefore have long hair that is very hard to maintain. To therefore prevent it from dust and other dirt they cover it. They do not cover their beards on the fact that it is very easy to clean them as they clean the face.

Through this religion freedom was brought to the Hindus. To make it easy for other to recognize them they had to adopt bulle covering. The tenth Guru made it an official wear to all the men of the religion. This served not only as a form of identity but also as a way to unite them and avoid the classes that where trying to separate the people.

To further remove these separation that was trying to move into these religion as a result of the divided social standards, the Guru unified them by the name. All the people of this religion were given a common last name. A study on the Indian turban reveals that with these two innervation the Sikh community was able to with stand all the persecutions and is a still existing community today.

This was not a good practice in their religion as it created hatred. For them to create the unity and harmony in their religion they had no alternative than to harmonies their mode of dressing. Through these they were able to bring the aspect that all the people are equal in the eyes of their God. This was further boosted by the Guru assigning them with a common last name.

Many people however may mistake them to Muslim by these wear. Other may go ahead to mistake them to being terrorist. This is however not right, people should try to keep in mind that there are those who are trying to destroy a reputation of a particular religion. The Sikh should be given their respect by people learning to respect their mode of dressing despite of those who are trying to misrepresent them.

As a study on the Indian turban reveals, the cloth can prevent the dirt that makes it require a wash. There are also other functions that this head clothing can serve like representing the social status and for medical uses. Nowadays many individuals are buying this cloth and using it to cover their heads even for non spiritual missions.

About the Author:

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