Do Good Looks Equate to Success?

By Tara West

We've all suspected for quite some time now that beautiful people enjoy a better level of success than the average looking person. This belief has lead to a country that spends countless hours and many billions of dollars attempting to reach the highest standards of beauty. Until recently, the burining question still remained unanswered. Did making an investment in that expensive wrinkle remover really help in increasing your degree of success and contentment?

Due to a study conducted by the University of Texas, we no longer need to speculate as to whether this is right. According to this study; beautiful folks not only enjoy more success professionally, but in other areas of their life as well.

In a study that examined the contentment levels reported by over 10,000 subjects, analysts concluded that the subjects which were perceived as being more attractive reported an average of 10% higher contentment levels than those who were perceived as being average looking. The percentage increased far more in comparison to those subjects who were seen as being not attractive.

In addition to the reported increase in happiness levels, attractive folk also have more highly paid jobs, more attractive spouses, and more active social lives. The query that analysts are now looking to answer is, does a universal standard of beauty actually exist? There are plenty of folks who contend that the results of previous studies are biased because, what's attractive to one individual is not always attractive to another.

While analysts fight to work out the science behind this phenomenon, there is one thing that constantly remains true. If you feel OK about how you look, you are likely to work harder and be more happy. So in the final analysis, I suspect it doesn't matter what scientific studies have to say on the subject. If buying that hundred dollar wrinkle cream or getting Botox injections every few months causes you to feel better about yourself, then by all means go for it.

Maybe it isn't the perception of others that leads to additional success. Perhaps it is our own perception of ourselves that is to blame for our position in society , be it bad or good. One thing is beyond doubt, a little positive self confidence has certainly never hurt any person. So don't be afraid to take some time everyday to remember how beautiful you really are, both inside and on the outside.

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