Facts and Myths of Health and Fitness Revealed

By Thomas Rivera

We've all learned things about information that turns out not to be true, health and fitness facts and myths are no different really. As you probably know myths begin when one person carries something they heard even if only partially heard on to a third person who then carries it to someone else. Maybe they even didn't hear it right. But they innocently tell something they know, and another myth is born, again.

There is a very high likelihood that you will accept what you hear if the person you are hearing it from is in a position that makes them more likely to know for sure or one of power even. If you are getting information that isn't entirely correct it can be dangerous. Here in this article we will explore a bit more in depth into the myths and facts of health and fitness.

Would you be surprised to learn that myths exist about treadmill workouts and your knees. Some believe that running on a treadmill is easier on your knees than running on a hard surface outdoors. Let's kill this rumor here and now. Your knees suffer the full force of your weight when you are jogging or running. Surface has nothing to do with it. Regardless of the tiny bit of give a treadmill will give you your knees are still going to take the impact of your weight. Your shoes can help absorb some of this impact.

We have all heard that exercise will help you have more energy. This is true and is one of the many benefits of regular exercise. In fact, very many people who exercise in the morning report that they feel energized for the rest of the day. Exercise increase your blood circulation which is one of the reasons for the energized feeling. As your circulation is improved, your cells receive more oxygen. Regular exercise can also help improve your strength and stamina. You will naturally feel more energized with improve stamina.

The myth we hear most is I don't have time to exercise. All a person needs is ten to twenty minutes on three days during the week. A thirty minute workout on your days off can add to your fitness goals and is definitely better than nothing at all. Can you squeeze in a walk at work or with your children? Ten minutes with a jump rope or a brisk walk can improve your times or even when you take a bike tour as your exercise routine. It's not impossible to find that 10 minutes if you try hard enough. It is well worth it to learn as much as possible concerning what is true or not in health and fitness. Doing the research can only benefit you. Since you are ready to exert the energy and time, it's important that you know what you are doing. When you have a properly calculated exercise routine based solely on your research you will reap the benefits.

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